Our projects are categorized into four areas that cover our work in biogas, solar, community energy and health. All of our projects are centered around long term local partnerships currently focused on East and West Africa. The aim is to have a longer term impact in the communities in which we work, to be able to love them as our neighbour.

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Biogas is a process that converts dung, food scraps and other organic matter into a source of fuel that can be used for cooking and heating. It greatly reduces the reliance on solid fuels like wood and coal which contribute to over 4 million deaths a year linked to indoor air pollution. ​

The sun is Earth’s most fundamental source of energy, animating all life on the planet. It not only provides warmth and light, it controls our weather, our seasons and even our understanding of time! Light 4 Life is about harnessing the abundance of life that the sun offers.

For years, the push for sustainable energy focused solely on how to produce it. But what if there were other ways to not only generate energy, but to share it more equitably? What if there other ways to integrate energy into the life of the community?

Energy and Health are intertwined. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed how precarious access to medical oxygen is around the world, turning a spotlight on how lack of access to energy also bars millions from access to life-saving medicines.