BLOG creativenergie He is risen! Happy Easter!! On Easter Sunday, we How do we break free from old patterns and habits On Good Friday, we remember the crucifixion of Jes Energy is a part of God's provision to us in Creat All over the world, Christians are answering the c "A society grows great when old men plant trees wh Scotland used to be a forest with its landscape do How do we depend on God through the changing seaso How can we change in small and big ways in order t Today, as we #considercreation let's reflect on ou Christ's example of servant leadership and self-em What does it mean to be a good steward of God's cr What do we throw away after using only once? Is th Have you ever thought about how much food goes to How can we move from endless consumerism to though What are small and practical things we can do to r Thanks so much for joining us as we #considercreat Today as we #considercreation we pray for our ocea Today, as we continue our journey of prayer and la Did you know that overfarming is one of the most c Load More Follow on Instagram