The lack of reliable, ever-ready supplies of gas and electricity poses multiple challenges. The simple everyday act of cooking a hot meal for the family damages health: wood smoke is responsible for more deaths globally than malaria and HIV combined. Then when evening comes, there are no street lamps to light the darkness whilst walking home.
Imagine how different life would be for millions of children, women and men if there was universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services delivered in a way that doesn’t harm the environment. Achieving this by 2030 is the ambitious aim of Sustainable Development Goal 7, set by the United Nations.
We always work in partnerships with locally based organisations and churches across the world. Our activities focus on innovation, supporting followers of Jesus and catalysing change.

How many times today have you simply flicked a switch to power a light, boil the kettle, cook a meal and charge your mobile phone or computer? How many street lights illuminate your way as you travel at night?
It is so easy to take for granted an ever-ready supply of electricity and gas to power so many of our daily needs. Although we may complain about the rising cost of our energy bills, the lack of reliable, ever-ready supplies of gas and electricity poses multiple challenges for people in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Could you commit to give 10% of your household energy bill today, or every month for a year, to help CREATIVenergie and partners to innovate and catalyse change that will ultimately unlock vital access to sustainable energy for the first time in communities around the world? If so, you can donate via the links below!